12 top romantic places in Warsaw: Romantic things to do in Warsaw

When Valentine’s Day is on the way, the pressure on your heart is definitely on! It doesn’t matter if you’re in a long-term relationship or have just started dating, you want to make this day as special as your special someone. This list of the most romantic places in Warsaw won’t only help you find a perfect spot for a date, but also give some fun facts you can share to make an impression that would get Cupid to blush!


1. The Świętokrzyski Bridge

Let’s start off with a recipe for eternal love: buy a padlock, write your names on it, go to the lover’s bridge, attach the padlock to the railing and throw the key into the river. It’s that simple! In Paris, you would go to Pont des Arts, in New York – to the Brooklyn Bridge, in Rome – to Ponte Milivio. And in Warsaw, your go-to place is the Świętokrzyski Bridge, an almost 500-meter bridge connecting Śródmieście and Praga Północ. The first 50 padlocks were attached here during a special event organized in 2010, on Valentine’s Day obviously. Since then, new padlocks have taken their place. If you decide to go there, make sure you do this in the evening to have a nice view of Warsaw by night.


2. Gnojna Góra

If attaching a padlock to a bridge is too cliché for you, or you prefer a calmer place without hundreds of cars, Gnojna Góra is your choice. It’s a lovely viewing terrace located very close to the Old Town Market Square, but tucked away from the crowds. You have a beautiful view of the Vistula River and across to the Praga district from there and, in case you changed your mind about enshrining your undying love in metal, there’s also a place for padlocks. One tip, though—maybe don’t mention the name of this place to your loved one, especially if they’re Polish. Why? Well, “Gnojna Góra” translates quite romantically into… “Manure Mountain”. The fact is that historically, until 1844, it was a dump where people from the city threw out their trash. Just stick to the views and romantic lighting in the evenings and you won’t regret it.


3. The Vistula boulevards

The Vistula boulevards is a place like no other because of the endless possibilities of spending quality time together! Take a romantic walk, ride a bike, grab a bite to eat or a cup of coffee or tea in one of the trendy restaurants and cafés, or just sit down and take in the majestic Vistula River and diverse Warsaw bridges. One that will definitely catch your attention is the Gdański Bridge with its simple but charming neon saying „Miło Cię widzieć” („Nice to see you”). Created by the Polish artist Mariusz Lewczuk in 2014, it’s one of the symbols of modern Warsaw – a city that’s friendly, open, and where everyone is welcome. Romantic hint: the Vistula boulevards are a bit breezy since they’re on the edge of the water, so remember to take an extra blanket or sweater if you’re there autumn-spring and take the chance to snuggle a little closer with your date!


4. Multimedia Fountain Park

Go a little further down the river and you’ll be able to enjoy the fountains in the Multimedia Fountain Park. These four big fountains were opened in 2011 and almost immediately became one of the most romantic places in Warsaw. It’s a great place for a date, especially in the summer time—on Friday and Saturday evenings you can enjoy a dazzling display of water, light, and music. Every single year the show changes and tells a different story related to Warsaw. Make sure to get there a bit early to grab a good spot with a nice view. Pack a great snack and grab a blanket and you’ve got yourself a romantic picnic like no other!


5. “Romantic” beach

There is one romantic place in Warsaw that you just can’t miss. Its name speaks for itself – Plaża Romantyczna  (“Romantic Beach”) is situated on the right bank of Vistula and it’s absolutely magical. The right bank of the river is more natural and wild than the left one, so you won’t find any trendy restaurants, food trucks or coffee places here. Instead, you can relax on a real river beach with clean sand. A little bit further inland, you’ll find walking paths, benches, and picnic tables. Do a bit of sunbathing on the edge of the water or relax in the shade of the many trees growing there. If you love nature as much as you do your special someone, this is definitely one of the most romantic things to do in Warsaw.


6. Francuska Street

Let’s not leave the Praga district just yet, there’s one more charming place you need to see. How about a walk down a street where time seems to pass more slowly than elsewhere? Take a casual, magical stroll down Francuska (“French”) Street and admire the colorful decor (I bet you’ve never spent time under some many umbrellas!), take pictures next to the many statues, or drop into one of the many quaint restaurants or cafés, each with its own unique atmosphere and charm. Even the grumpiest of dates will leave this street with a smile!


7. Łazienki Park

Did you know that Warsaw is one of the greenest cities in Europe thanks to its numerous parks, forests, and squares? The Łazienki Park is certainly the crown jewel of them all. This huge (76 hectares!) park was created as a royal residence for the last king of Poland, Stanisław August Poniatowski, so even a simple stroll along the many paths will make your significant other feel like royalty. And that’s not all the park has to offer. Spend some time visiting some of old royal buildings, have lunch at the restaurant (one of the best ones in Warsaw, yet very expensive), or go on a calm boat ride. The park is full of hidden places – just meander off a little way from the main paths to spend some quiet romantic moments with your loved one. But you won’t be alone because there’ll always be… red squirrels! There are quite a lot of them in the park so don’t be surprised if one of them runs up and starts wagging its cute little bushy tail to seduce you for some nuts or seeds :)


8. Królikarnia

Łazienki Park is very popular among both tourists and locals, so it’s not the best option if you’re looking for something a little less mainstream. Instead, check out Królikarnia, just around 3 km away from Łazienki Park. Królikarnia is an old palace surrounded by a park full of plants, picturesque ponds, and romantic bridges. This park gets its name from the rabbit (“królik”) farm that was here in the 18th century. Take a calm, lovely stroll among the collection of old sculptures and beautiful plants that decorate the park.


9. Jazdów

This place is definitely different from all the others on the list. You can find it just outside the modern city center. Jazdów looks a little like an old village that was just accidently dropped in the middle of Warsaw. Honestly, that isn’t very far from the truth. The whole neighborhood was built in 1945 as the first neighborhood in post-war Warsaw. Interestingly, it was literally put together because the houses came in parts from Finland as part of post-war reparations. The whole 90 house neighborhood was ready in only two months. If you’re looking for a quiet, romantic, slightly nostalgic place that will make an impression on your loved one, Jazdów is a definite winner.


10. Saxon Garden

The Saxon Garden is one of those gardens that you fall in love with at first sight. The centrally located park offers the garden standard of vivid greenery, a duck pond, and a big, gorgeous fountain. Yet what’s even more alluring is its hidden gems such as a bench playing Chopin’s music, an 19th century sundial or an oak planted by Queen Elizabeth II herself. This beautiful park was initially created as a private garden, but in 1727, it was opened for the public as the first park in Poland. At that time, the garden was open only to the crème-de-la-crème of society. Thankfully, those rules don’t apply anymore and you can take your significant other on a date they’ll never forget.


11. Wilanów Palace

What more romantic place than a symbol of love between the Polish king, Jan III Sobieski and his wife, Maria Kazimiera? Their story wasn’t a simple walk through a rose garden, however. They fell in love when Maria was married to another man so they had to keep their relationship a secret. In the letters they wrote to each other, they used the name “Jutrzenka” (“Morning Star”) instead of “Maria”, “oranges” instead of “love”, and “conserves” instead of “letters”. Pretty creative, don’t you think? When Maria’s first husband died, she could finally marry her beloved Jan. She did just that only five weeks after becoming a widow, which was way too early according to social convention. But it was a marriage of true love, a very rare thing in the 17th century. Take your loved one by the hand and start your own romantic story as you stroll around the palace and its gardens, feeling how true love really can conquer anything.


12. Garden at the top of University of Warsaw Library 

If flowers are what sends your date’s heart aflutter, you can’t miss the stunning gardens atop the University of Warsaw Library. From there you can admire the panorama of Warsaw while surrounded by numerous colorful and stunning flowers and plants. Don’t forget to take a peek through the glass ceiling of the library and sigh over all the university students stuck inside, pouring over their books. If you only have a little time, find the two pergolas named after the romantic Italian poet Petrarka and his beloved Laura. If that’s not a romantic place, then what is? A slightly heartbreaking note is that the garden is only open from April-October.


I hope these romantic places in Warsaw help you find a perfect place for your date in the capital city. After all, Warsaw’s motto is “Fall in love in Warsaw!” And before you go and get lost, make sure to find your romantic getaway on this map of the most romantic places in Warsaw. If you’ve been to any of these places or have uncovered one of your own, share your romantic story in the comments!

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